RetroBright Service
We are now offering a console RetroBright Service.
We now are offering a service in which we can restore your "yellowed" consoles back to the original colour.
Please read the Conditions and After Effects, you must agree to these terms before booking your console in for this service.
Please use the Contact Form Here to send me your requirements.
Service Conditions:
- You MUST send the console shell only, you must remove all electronic components.
- If we are doing additional modding work to the console, you may leave the console intact and we will dissasemble it for you.
Service After Effects:
- We will endeavour to get the console looking brand new again, some yellowing may still remain in stubborn areas, however there can be some side effects.
- Labels and Stickers will be covered up as best they can while the retrobrighting process is being done as the retrobright solution can damage labels and stickers.
- Very rarely, the plastic may become brittle as a result of the process, We take no responsability if this happens.
- Also, very rarely the plastic will come out with a marbled effect as a result of the process which cannot be avoided, We take no responsability if this happens.
- This service can take up-to 7 days to complete.
Service Prices:
- £20 - Small Console (Handhelds such as Gameboy, GameGear etc...)
- £35 - Large Console (Home Consoles such as NES, SNES, Dreamcast etc...)